Life coaching

Livs Coaching

How would you like to take control of your life and drive it forward faster?

Life coaching is based on a team collaboration where you and your coach work together to find out what you REALLY want - what you are driven towards but seemingly difficult to reach. Sometimes, when aiming for an outcome, obstacles can arise. That's when a coach comes into play. As we work together, we first find out the root cause of the obstacle, and begin to challenge those obstacles, one by one.

Typical coaching themes can be:

  • You're tired and want more energy and energy.
  • You want to improve your results.
  • You want to get better at dealing with difficult colleagues.
  • You find that you are behind on delivering on time and want more control.
  • You're a yes person and want to get better at setting boundaries.
  • You've lost your job and need help on the road to something new.
  • You will become better at delegating.
  • You will become better at making decisions.
  • You've become bored or tired of your job and want to regain your enthusiasm and motivation.
  • You get frustrated when you encounter resistance and want to find solutions with greater agility and elegance.
  • You're wondering if you're in the right job and want more clarity on what's right for you.
  • You would like a better work-life balance.
  • You have everything, but you still feel like something is missing.
  • You're happy and doing a good job, but you'd still like to reach new heights.

What benefits do I get from being coached by you?

  • Get help in setting powerful goals that point the way to your success.
  • Benefit from professional help and follow-up.
  • Contact me when you need it.

How can we work together?

I can work with you in the following ways:

  • Phone number
  • Skype
  • Messenger
  • Face to face

The purpose of coaching is to release and develop the potential of the person being coached.

Through various techniques, the person in question is stimulated to better identify their own resources and use them to improve performance. Good coaching will therefore also be effective in relation to more personal challenges, or as part of a more general personal development.

In other words, life coaching is about working on the most important issues in your life;

What dreams do I really have, and what will it take to realize them? In which areas of life do I want to develop myself?

The philosophy of coaching is that every individual is an expert on themselves, and that the coach is an effective sparring partner/catalyst who, through listening techniques, intuition and self-management, enables the individual to address their own challenges and goals. The coach possesses a number of tools for use in mental training and awareness-raising, which will have a reinforcing effect on coping during the process.

Elements of the coaching process

  • Introduction - clarifying roles, about the process
  • Current situation
  • The goal of coaching - what is the desired situation?
  • Need for action - identify gap between current situation and desired situation - goals
  • Awareness - development of thinking, behavior and learning
  • Take action, take action
  • Follow-up and evaluation

In a changing world, change competence and self-awareness are important factors that can be crucial to success wherever you are in society. Through a process that takes place over time, you will constructively get to know yourself better and develop aspects of yourself that were perhaps even unknown beforehand.

The coach is a catalyst for bringing out and developing the inherent possibilities and resources that exist in the individual. Likewise, a coach will help to turn limiting thought processes (what we fear might go wrong, what we don't believe is possible, etc.) into something more constructive. A coach will also help to get you on the right course towards your goals and desired results. The actual action is up to you.

It is recommended that you take coaching sessions 2 to 4 times per month for the first 3 months. Coaching can also take place by phone.
Coaching means being coached. Anyone who has had a good coach knows how effective it is.
Many companies with a focus on leadership and management are today replacing traditional forms of leadership with more coaching leadership to ensure better development and growth among employees.

The coaching itself starts with an initial conversation to raise awareness of where you are today and what results you want to achieve. Likewise, challenges, obstacles and barriers that stand in the way of your success will be identified. Based on this conversation, a program will be developed that is tailored to your needs and wishes.

Why coaching?

 People have a wider range to play on than most people may realize. We have received little training in developing the diversity and inherent possibilities that exist in each and every one of us. We Norwegians are perhaps inclined to go the opposite way - we follow the law of Janteloven. We fool ourselves into believing that it is not possible to reach beyond a certain level. But what often turns out is that even small changes on the inside create big changes on the outside.
If you knew you had more potential than you currently realize, wouldn't it be exciting to explore yourself more and use more of yourself?

Have you experienced being pulled in all directions? Have you thought about how much time you spend on things you don't really want to do, because you think you have to? It's easy to fall into this trap if you haven't made yourself aware of what's important to you (values) and what you want (goals and results). This is a very central area in coaching. When we are not aware of this, it becomes much more difficult to prioritize, set boundaries, make choices, make decisions, set things in motion, be motivated, stay focused, take action and create results.
Perhaps you look to the external world (using others as a yardstick) to find answers to what is right and wrong?
Or maybe you've experienced that what's right for one person doesn't necessarily have to be right for another?
Coaching is a process where you look inwards and the answers you're looking for are found within yourself. Wouldn't it be useful to find out what's right and important for you, so that you get the right focus, and without feeling guilty about it?

We live in a time where the pace is getting faster and faster, where change and unpredictability have become a natural part of everyday life, and where the demand for efficiency and productivity is constantly increasing. When the pace is fast, we are also more likely to notice if something is not as it should be. People "hit the wall", they get burnt out, experience uncertainty, experience stress, etc. This can be a sign that there is a need to think differently and/or do things differently. Instead of being a victim of circumstances, you will step by step become the captain of your own ship. You will gradually take control of your own behavior. You will, little by little, increase your ability to exert a positive influence on your surroundings. You will increasingly strengthen your ability to handle the challenges you encounter along the way. Wouldn't it be more fun to live?

Focus only on you

Coaching is a one-to-one process that is highly personal and works on self-development at a much deeper level than what can be achieved in courses and seminars, because the focus is always on you. The program will be tailored to your needs and wishes.

Coaching is suitable for individuals who want more out of life in some way - those who want personal growth. There may be major changes or minor changes, or there may be areas where you feel the need for fine-tuning or tweaking. It may also be that you are in a transition phase and need help to chart a course in the right direction towards what you want.

Prerequisite for a successful outcome

To get anywhere at all, it is important that you do this of your own free will and that it is not perceived as pressure from your surroundings.

Coaching also requires some personal effort. The coach is only a catalyst who will take you in the right direction by asking questions to raise awareness, guide you through exercises and provide you with the necessary tools. That's why it's important that you really want to grow if the result is to be successful.

Invest in your own personal happiness and growth today!